

Kuulin eilen mitä kauneimman lauseen minusta tanssijana.  

Suomen ainoa Milonguera.

Enempää ei kai voi tanssijana pyytää. Löysin verkosta kuvauksen milonguerasta. Toivon täyttäväni ominaisuuksista edes osan, vaikken tiedäkään mitä kaikkea tuo lause pitää minun kohdalla sisällään.

Tuntuu että olen löytänyt luovan itseilmaisun muodon, jossa voin olla vain ja ainoastaan minä itse. Pääsen yhä useammin meditaatiota muistuttavaan tilaan, jota helpottaa tietoisuus siitä, että myös muut nauttivat tanssista kanssani.

The Milonguera dancer and her Body.

"The milonguera‘s body is pure sensitivity. When she dances, all her senses are sharpened and channelled into her dance. She builds up the structure of her body from the base, her feet. Placing her weight on her whole foot including her heels, her energy surges and she stretches her body from her waist on upwards as if she were the string of a violin vibrating at the slightest touch.

The milonguera is supple, but toned, soft, but with nothing loose (hips, for instance). Her body is one, whole. She doesn‘t hang on her partner, weighing him down, but keeps her own balance, thus she is light. She doesn‘t efface herself, her presence is notable. She glues her chest to his, that is all. She is sweet through her gentleness - this characterizes her femininity - and she moulds herself on him until it feels as if he were wearing her. She waits, follows, never anticipates. She comes along on his voyage, synchronizing her steps, mirroring his, never rushing. She dances close, around him, requiring little space. She neither breaks their contact nor throws her partner off balance. Not using their embrace to stabilize herself, she keeps her body axis tilted slightly forward, even when walking backwards. Her weight is on the inside of the balls of her feet, but her whole foot, including her heels are in contact with the floor.

The milonguera knows that if she separates herself from her partner, she won‘t get the information from his body. Therefore she is continuously tuned to the messages he emits from his chest. She feels the messages, she doesn‘t analyze them, doesn‘t think about what he is doing.

She is pure feeling, rediscovering at every instant the magic of tango"

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